Showing 1 - 25 of 413 Results
Principles and Practice of Pharmaceutical Medicine by Fletcher, Andrew J., Edward... ISBN: 9780470093139 List Price: $263.00
Total Communication Structure and Strategy by Evans, Lionel, Lewis, Willi... ISBN: 9780913580752 List Price: $15.95
Etudes Penologiques Studies in Penology Dedicated to the Memory of Sir Lionel Fox, C. B. , M... by Lopez-Rey, Manuel, Lopez-Re... ISBN: 9789401503358 List Price: $99.00
Hindu Gods and Heroes Studies in the History of the Religion of Indi by Barnett, Lionel D. ISBN: 9783849166021 List Price: $19.99
Principles and Practice of Pharmaceutical Medicine by Edwards, Lionel D., Fox, An... ISBN: 9781405194723 List Price: $299.95
Naval War College by Wyld, Lionel D. ISBN: 9780738502908 List Price: $21.99
Christian Faith and Greek Philosophy in Late Antiquity Essays in Tribute to George Christoph... by Hunter, Erica C. D., Bammel... ISBN: 9789004096059 List Price: $170.00
China Off Center Mapping the Margins of the Middle Kingdom by Blum, Susan D., Jensen, Lio... ISBN: 9780824825775 List Price: $29.00
Education Between Two Worlds by Meiklejohn, Alexander, Arch... ISBN: 9780202308135 List Price: $29.95
Early Developments in Mathematical Economics by Theochares, Reghinos D., Ro... ISBN: 9780879918088 List Price: $37.50
Triumph of the Spirit by Lyles, Lionel D., Thibodeau... ISBN: 9780595157914 List Price: $22.95
Historical Development of Capitalism in the United States and Its Affects on the American Fa... by Lyles, Lionel D., Lyles, Es... ISBN: 9780595272884 List Price: $22.95
Catalogue of Sanskrit and Pali Books in the British Museum Catalogue of Sanskrit, Pali, and ... by Barnett, Lionel D. 1871-1960 ISBN: 9781175093660 List Price: $43.75
Catalogue of the Kannada, Badaga, and Kurg Books in the Library of the British Museum by Barnett, Lionel D. 1871-196... ISBN: 9781175211354 List Price: $21.75
Brahma-Knowledge, an Outline of the Philosophy of the Vedanta As Set Forth by the Upanishads... by Barnett, Lionel D. 1871-1960 ISBN: 9781176222809 List Price: $19.75
Antiquities of Indi : An account of the history and culture of ancient Hindustan by Barnett, Lionel D. 1871-1960 ISBN: 9781176382329 List Price: $33.75
Current Social and Industrial Forces by Edie, Lionel D. 1893- ISBN: 9781176486850 List Price: $34.75
Catalogue of the Kannada, Badaga, and Kurg Books in the Library of the British Museum by British Museum. Dept. Of Or... ISBN: 9781171539087 List Price: $21.75
Prose Writings of James Clarence Mangan by Mangan, James Clarence, O'D... ISBN: 9781177356916 List Price: $32.75
More Sea Fights of the Great War, Including the Battle of Jutland by Wyllie, William Lionel, Owe... ISBN: 9781177703673 List Price: $28.75
Low Bridge : Folklore and the Erie Canal by Wyld, Lionel D. ISBN: 9781258085087 List Price: $46.95
Low Bridge: Folklore And The Erie Canal by Lionel D. Wyld ISBN: 9781258191238 List Price: $31.95
Hindu Gods and Heroes Studies in the History of the Religion of Indi by Barnett, Lionel D. ISBN: 9783849175061 List Price: $29.99
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